
Europeana Space is an EU funded project focused on the creative re-use of available digital cultural content. A very important target sector for the project is the Education. “Education” here refers not only to the general school system but also to educational services in museums or lifelong-learning programmes. The work that E-Space is developing in this domain is varied, including 5 examples of Educational Demonstrators, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), dissemination events and collection of resources and best practices. Moreover, the 6 thematic Pilots that are being carried on in the project also have an impact on education and lessons learnt to be shared.

Showcasing different possibilities of using digital cultural content innovatively in the context of education has a dual impact:

  • students, teachers and other education professionals will acquire creative and technical skills through learning how to work with the tools/applications that are offered
  • they will also become more aware of the vast and diverse repository of digital cultural heritage content available on line as a basis for teaching and learning materials that they can assemble or develop.

The E-Space work on Education targets users from primary school to universities, and the applications which are being developed strive to be more than a teacher’s presentation tool; instead what E-Space is trying to do is to unlock the creativity of the users from both ends (teachers and learners), engaging them with digital cultural heritage.


E-Space Education MOOC

Learn how to become creative with digital cultural content. Cultural heritage is not just to contemplate, but to live with and engage with.

More information on the MOOC.









Europeana Space has received funding from the European Union’s ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, under GA n° 621037

Project website: www.europeana-space.eu


Working in association with Europeana Foundation


Official Media Partner: Digital Meets Culture