Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe studied mathematics, sociology, psychology, and education with a focus on adult education at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, at Kings College London, and at the Freie Universität Berlin. Since 1985, she has been staff member of the Institut für Museumsforschung (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz), overseeing the annual visitor statistics of all German museums. Since 1994, she has been Head of the department “Visitor related museum research and museum statistics”, is responsible for several European projects and acts as the Deputy Director of the Institute. Since 2007 she is a member of the Board of the German Museum Association, since 1997 she chairs the Special Interest Group on Documentation (FachgruppeDokumentation) in the German Museum Association (Deutscher Museumsbund e.V.) and chairs the Information Centres Working Group in CIDOC, the documentation committee in ICOM. In 2001, she was nominated from the German Federal government to participate in the European NRG (National Representatives Group on Digitisation in Culture) and is now a member in the MSEG. She is Professor in museology at the University of Applied Sciences HTW in Berlin/Germany, and teaches terminology in museums in Krems/Austria.
E-Space II international conference in Tallinn, 10-11 December 2015